
What Does A Recruitment And Selection Agency Do?

A recruitment and selection agency is fully dedicated to hiring new for a company. In that sense, its attributions are complete. The agency takes care of everything from advertising vacancies, going through the selection process, and finally reaching the final hiring procedures.

Hiring a recruitment and selection agency like professionals like Commodities Recruiters for example is usually the ideal solution for companies that aim to increase their workforce. After all, on the one hand, we have a large contingent of people looking for replacement or their first job; on the other hand, companies need to be more and more assertive in choosing people to fill vacancies, especially in key positions.

Thus, any job offer can arouse the interest of hundreds – or even thousands – of candidates. And the first issue to be faced is how to screen CVs properly. In this entire universe of candidates, several are likely included in the profile of the desired professional, but the point is: the choice must be for the best. And the definition of this best goes through the analysis of several characteristics, which go far beyond technical training.

Because that is precisely where the expertise of a recruitment and selection agency makes the difference, the experience of its professionals, who are trained in the area and work in it constantly, makes the look more accurate and the choice more accurate. Although the process is usually similar, choosing the candidate is always a unique task. This is because each vacancy has a purpose, and each company has a culture. Thus, the work of a recruitment and selection agency also includes searching for a broad understanding of the company and its managers.

Do Recruitment And Selection Agencies Always Act In The Same Way?

As with any industry, the answer is no. Even though they are similar in focus and selection processes have similar stages, each agency has its characteristics and way of acting. It is possible, for example, that you have already done some online selection process. Even though everything may seem automated – you received a standard response at the end or feedback with text ready-made –behind this selection was an agency.

Using algorithms, artificial intelligence, or other technologies that look for patterns serves to identify certain profiles. But even to reach them, someone needs to work in advance – in this case, a recruitment and selection agency.

In addition, even in these cases, the final part is done more individually.

Other agencies, in turn, may have individualized action from start to finish. They may also be focused on selecting vacancies for entry-level positions. And there are, on the other hand, those that specialize in choosing managers. Likewise, recruiting and selecting are not the same when the intention is, for example, to occupy ten jobs instead of one.

Some agencies propose a more generalist approach, choosing candidates in any field of activity for any position regardless of the number of vacancies offered. In short, just as countless companies operate in this area, there are countless ways for them to act.