
Why content marketing is a valuable digital marketing tool for small businesses


Running a small business comes with a unique set of challenges. One of the most obvious of these challenges is trying to achieve a lot with little resources. This can be especially tough when it comes to marketing. The right strategy can help your small business to flourish. The wrong strategy, however, won’t yield the same positive response. 

Today, digital marketing is key for small businesses, however many of them miss a trick by ignoring the power of content marketing. But what is content marketing and how can it help you? Keep reading to find out. 

What is content marketing? 

Content marketing is something that generates interest in a product or service without explicitly advertising it. Think of it like this; an ad is like someone coming up to you and saying hey, buy this. Content marketing, however, is like a conversation with a friend that gets you thinking about something. Examples of content marketing are things like videos, blogs, or social media posts. 

Why is it valuable? 

Here are reasons why content marketing is valuable for your small business. 

1. It can improve your SEO ranking 

Improving your search ranking is important for every business as it drives more traffic and potential customers to your website. Creating content, publishing it, and linking it back to your website will make your website look better to search algorithms, which in turn, improves your SEO. If you don’t feel confident with SEO, it can help to enlist the help of a professional Dundee web design agency

2. It builds trust in your business 

Content marketing allows you to show your expertise as a business, which in turn, builds trust in your brand. For example, if you run a gardening business, you can create short videos or blogs with gardening tips. This will showcase your knowledge and build trust in your services. People want to buy from businesses they trust – remember that. 

3. It allows you to add value to your customers

If you can continuously give value to your customers outside of your products, they will keep coming back to you. The good news is that content marketing allows you to do exactly that! 

4. It can grow organically

What do people do with the content they like? They share it with others. This means that if you can create content that is valuable, exciting, or simply funny – people will share it with others. This is free, word-of-mouth promotion that will drive new customers to your business. 

5. It can have a great return on investment 

A great return on investment should be the goal for every business. Content marketing, when done right, can do exactly that! 


If you aren’t doing so already, it’s time to embrace the power of content marketing! Oh – did you notice that this was a piece of content marketing? Either way, lesson learned. Good luck!